Category: Hand Tools

  • Drill holes in wood without power tools

    7 Ways To Cut A Hole In Wood Without Power Tools

    You were supposed to charge up your power tools last night for an afternoon of woodworking today, but you forgot. That doesn’t mean you have to put your woodworking project on hold! You can cut holes in wood with plenty of other tools besides the battery-powered variety. How to cut a hole in wood without…

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  • Drill doesn't spin

    Why Does My Drill Stop Spinning? And How To Fix It

    These days drills are one of the most commonly used tools in my shop. I find it frustrating when you are in the middle of a project and the drill decides to stop spinning. It can happen on any kind of drill which makes us ask the question why does my drill stop spinning? Drills…

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  • Cross cut saw for cutting plywood

    5 Ways To Cut Plywood WITHOUT Power Tools!

    Plywood is often thin, which means that it can be reasonably easy to cut, but many people choose to use power tools because of their speed and convenience. However, if you don’t have access to the right things or you would rather not use a power tool, here are 5 ways to cut plywood without…

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  • Cordless Drill into bricks

    Can A Cordless Drill Go Through Brick? The Truth

    A few months ago I had just finished making an outdoor shoe rack and I needed to hang it on the bricks outside in my alfresco area. I started gathering together the tools that I needed and my first thought was can a cordless drill go through brick? Generally, a cordless drill can drill through…

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  • Why do woodworkers use round mallets

    What Is So Great About Round Mallets?

    You’re new to the world of woodworking, and you’re still trying to sort out which tools you need for the various jobs you want to do. A couple of your woodworking buddies have recommended the round mallet to you. Why do woodworkers use round mallets? A Round Mallet is easy to use when hitting the…

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  • why is the end tape measure loose

    Why Is The End Of A Tape Measure Loose? A Few Secrets Why

    Have you ever wondered why the end of your tape is loose? I was recently at my neighbor’s house and not liking his old tape measure, I decided to buy him a new one. A few weeks later we were talking about tape measures and he made a comment on the one I had bought…

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