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This space is dedicated to exploring a myriad of topics, offering insights, and sparking conversations. Whether you’re here for inspiration, information, or just a good read, we’re committed to providing you with content that resonates.

  • nail on wood

    How Far Should a Nail Go Into Wood? The Proper Answer

    A friend asked me a few weeks back what length nail to use when nailing 2 pieces of wood together. To my surprise, he had been using nails that were way too short for the job at hand. So, how far should a nail go into wood? As a general rule, the nail length needs…

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  • can you cut MDF with a jigsaw

    Can You Cut MDF With a Jigsaw? Ultimate Guide

    You love the durability of medium-density fiberboard or MDF, especially because it’s so easy to seal or paint. However, when it comes to cutting MDF, that’s where you struggle. You’re looking for the perfect cutting instrument and you think it’s a jigsaw, but you’re not sure. Can you cut MDF with a jigsaw? MDF can…

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  • Can-you-plane-MDF

    Can You Plane MDF? The Real Truth

    This is such a common question I used to get asked often by my apprentices. After spending 26 years as a cabinetmaker, I would plane hundreds of meters of MDF every day. You need to do the same but you are wondering, can you plane MDF? You can easily plane MDF using a hand plane,…

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  • pocket holes on MDF

    Can You Use Pocket Holes On MDF? Your Complete Guide

    Medium-density fiberboard or MDF is a type of engineered wood that involves defibrating softwood or hardwood into fibers and then adding a resin or wax binder to make panels. The density of MDF is greater than plywood, which has you curious about something. Can you use pocket holes on MDF? Pocket holes can be used…

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  • burn MDF

    Can You Burn MDF? This May Suprise You

    I sometimes use MDF in my workshop as templates or guides, and on larger projects, I end up with quite a lot of scrap. I find it time-consuming to cut up so it will fit in the bin. So recently I started burning some of it in my fire pit, which made me wonder, can…

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  • Is woodworking expensive

    Is Woodworking Expensive? I Show All The Costs

    You’re looking for a new hobby and woodworking is at the top of your list. The most common question I get asked next is woodworking expensive? I will show you just how to get started with much less than you think. Woodworking can be an expensive hobby if you insist on buying power tools and…

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