Author: Derek

Read more about Derek here and how Woodwork Hubby got started.

  • Can You Cut Wood With A Tile Saw?

    Can You Cut Wood With A Tile Saw?

    If you have a knack for carrying out DIY projects, or you are just starting out in woodwork, then the chances are, every now and then you may need to cut wood. A tile saw is commonly used for several different renovation and repair jobs. However, whether they are suitable to cut wood or not…

  • Woodwork Without Math?  Possible?

    Woodwork Without Math? Possible?

    You’ve never considered yourself much of a math whiz. You passed grade-school level math classes just fine, but not easily. Today, you work in a job that doesn’t require heavy use of mathematics. That said, you’ve recently decided to take up woodworking, which several friends have told you involves math. Does woodworking involve math? Yes,…

  • Can You Glue Wood After Staining?

    Can You Glue Wood After Staining?

    Let’s say your latest woodworking project is a tiny box, such as a music box. You want to glue the walls of the box together, and you also plan to stain the box itself. The thought of fitting a brush into the small crevices of the wooden box after you assemble it makes you think…

  • What To Do If Your Jigsaw Blade Keeps Falling Out

    What To Do If Your Jigsaw Blade Keeps Falling Out

    The trusty jigsaw is probably the most used tool by home handymen & woodworkers alike. It is one of the tools I recommend you buy but often you may find that your blade falls out. This is certainly a common question I get from beginners asking why does my jigsaw blade keep falling out? A…

  • Is It Ok If Wood Glue Freezes?

    Is It Ok If Wood Glue Freezes?

    As woodworkers, we are always using wood glue and this commodity is a must-have in every woodworker’s shop. The other day a friend of mine said they experienced some extremely cold weather and he said to me, my wood glue froze. This is a question I have had to answer for many woodworkers, so I…

  • What Is So Great About Round Mallets?

    What Is So Great About Round Mallets?

    You’re new to the world of woodworking, and you’re still trying to sort out which tools you need for the various jobs you want to do. A couple of your woodworking buddies have recommended the round mallet to you. Why do woodworkers use round mallets? A Round Mallet is easy to use when hitting the…